Thursday, October 14, 2010

Work in Progress

The Wonders of Weston have started to arrive.

 HOLM by Tania Kovats is in place in the Madeira Cove gardens, but it's still under wraps, although the distinctive shape of Steep Holm seems to be visible through its plastic shroud.

 "The Things You Can't Remember", one half of Winter Piece by Tim Etchells, has arrived at the Winter Gardens.

And My Eyes Danced by Ruth Claxton is taking shape in the model yacht pond, although perhaps I should have said "taken shape" because I'm not at all sure whether it's complete or not.

And for the moment, that's all there is.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting these photos- please keep me up to date because I am really regretting not being there to witness the installation etc. See you all soon.
